February 8, 1998
Lawn Service to Maintain
North Shore LandscapingWHEN THE NSNA installed entry monuments in the neighborhood, it agreed with the city to take on the chore of maintaining the surrounding landscaping, a potentially irksome task.
Now that task will be a lot easier, because somebody else has agreed to do it!
Last month, the NSNA Board of Directors approved an agreement with College Cutters Lawn and Landscape Inc., under which the company will maintain the landscaping around the entry monuments and several traffic islands in the neighborhood. This will include any necessary watering, mulching, weed-pulling and fertilizing, as well as replacing any plants that should die.
In return for this service, the NSNA will give the company advertising space in the newsletter. The agreement with College Cutters was arranged by Steve Lange, who until now has maintained the landscaped areas with the help of other volunteers.
The traffic island on 2nd Street N behind the Sunken Gardens will continue to be maintained by neighboring residents. Also, the traffic island on Beach Drive at 5th Avenue NE will continue to be maintained by the Renaissance Vinoy Resort.