Bob Lee Tires Eyes Expansion
By Rob Wertz NSNA President
THE RESURGENCE ALONG 4th Street N continues with Bob Lee's Tires Inc. developing plans for its holdings. Preliminary plans were presented to the North Shore Neighborhood Association's Board of Directors in April by company representative Todd Murrian.
The plans involve conversion of an existing tire storage structure into office/retail space, and expansion of the existing gas station to accommodate the displaced storage activity.
The retail/office conversion is planned for the warehouse at the northeast corner of 4th Street and 17th Avenue N. Often called the "tarpon warehouse" for the outdoor mural that adorned the building in recent years, the structure had expansive plate glass windows on three sides when it served as an auto dealership.
Current plans call for the return of those windows and a renovation in keeping with the building's original streamlined commercial style. One drawback is the proposed demolition of a residence east of the warehouse, to accommodate parking for the retail/office building.
The second portion of the company's plans entails relocating the existing tire storage into a 2,500 square foot addition along the rear of the existing gas station on the main property. Bob Lee's also plans to expand parking into two adjacent vacant lots already owned by the company. These lots are along 17th and 16th Avenues N.
NSNA board members expressed concerns to the company's representative in three areas: 4th Street frontage and landscaping requirements for both the new office/retail building and the existing automotive facility, commercial encroachment into the neighborhood beyond the designated 150-foot boundary line, and safety and environmental concerns for the relocated tire storage facility.
NSNA BOARD MEMBERS and concerned residents will be meeting with Mr. Murrian to go over details of this plan. An initial meeting was scheduled for May 6th to examine neighbors' concerns. Please call Lane Lastinger (822-8509) or Rob Wertz (824-8522) for the latest developments.
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